We have left the Selvagem Islands and are headed to Mindelo, Cabo Verde. It will take us about 3 days at sea. It’s a good time to share photos and stories that haven’t made it into other posts.
Madeira Marine Scouts
The last thing we did before leaving Madeira for the next mission was to host a group of marine scouts. One of the main goals of Monaco Explorations is to educate the public, particularly youth, about the work done on the Yersin over these three years, and the threats facing the seas. The marine scouts spoke Portuguese and one of the girls in the troop translated to English. Captain Jean Dumarais led a tour while Rosa Pires gave a presentation about the Mediterranean Monk Seal, as this is a major local issue for the scouts.
Fire and Abandon Ship Drills
As a safety precaution, we consistently exercise safety drills on the Yersin. The crew leads us through the drills and then we all meet in the bridge to discuss a potential real life situation.
Extras Album
We have a few professional photographers onboard, which means we have so many lovely photos. They do not all make it into the stories of the work going on, here are a few of the extras of life on this mission: