11 to 23 October 2019

Palau Mission

Ocean acidification: how do some corals resist?

The mission carried out in Palau from 11 to 23 October focused on two research
subjects: the study of resistance and adaptation of corals to ocean acidification
and that of the key mechanisms of cellular ageing.

Supported by Monaco Explorations, it was organised and coordinated by Dr. Didier Zoccola, researcher in the coral physiology team of the Monaco Scientific Center (CSM) and led by Dr. Sylvie Tambutté, and Alice Rouan, a young researcher from Pr. Gilson’s team at the Nice Cancer and Ageing Research Institute (IRCAN).

By combining two approaches, this mission addresses one of the issues of scientific research: building bridges from one discipline to another to push the boundaries of knowledge futher and further.

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