15 november 2021
Call for an artist’s residence on board. Indian Ocean Expedition 2022
Call for artist residency: come aboard the S.A. Agulhas II
As part of its forthcoming expedition to the Indian Ocean in October and November 2022, the Monaco Explorations is launching a call for expressions of interest for an artist residency on board. The S.A. Agulhas II will take on board in Mauritius an international team of around one hundred people: scientists, young researchers and students, filmmakers and photographers, divers, communicators, and civil society actors for a multidisciplinary expedition combining scientific research, public outreach and government cooperation. This new expedition is the first element of the “Monaco Explorations” project. This project has been approved as a contribution to the United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development 2021-2030. In the great tradition of the scientific explorations of the 19th and 20th centuries, Monaco Explorations wishes to enrich the composition of this multi-skilled team by inviting an artist to join the expedition. Are you interested?
The Indian Ocean 2022 Expedition
Since their launch in April 2017, Monaco Explorations has conducted a dozen expeditions around the world. These expeditions have been rich in experiences in contact with nature and the Ocean and in human encounters. The “Indian Ocean” Expedition is in turn part of this quest for humanism and scientific truth. The main study area is between Reunion, Mauritius and Seychelles. The Saya de Malha plateau will be the main focus of the mission. The planned itinerary is as follows: embarkation in Mauritius around 10 October 2022, followed by Mauritius => Reunion => Aldabra => Mahe => Saya de Malha => Saint-Brandon => Mauritius. The mission will end in Mauritius around 20 November 2022.

Are you a candidate?
This call for expressions of interest is open to working artists of all nationalities.
How to express your interest and submit your application?
Please send your registration form and the documents in the application file by e-mail to the following address
Timetable and selection process
Deadline for applications: 7 January 2022 midnight CET. A selection committee composed of several personalities from the world of the sea and exploration, art and scientific culture will draw up a list of shortlisted candidates for an audition during which they will be invited to present their project orally. The shortlist will be announced to the selected candidates from 25 February 2022 and they should be called for their presentation during the week of 25 April 2022.
The final results will be announced by 13 May 2022.
The winning artist will then be notified of all the details of the assignment and the organizers’ expectations.
Composition of the intention file
The application file requested is composed of the following elements:
– The application form.
– A curriculum vitae (1 page maximum).
– A description/argument expressing your motivations for this project (1 page maximum).
– A concept note explaining what you wish to create and achieve from the two-month expedition and residence on board, your vision of the project. Indicate the creations or productions that you imagine during the whole project (2 pages maximum).
– An artistic dossier (book) presenting your past, present and future work and projects (20 pages maximum). If you wish, the portfolio may include letters of recommendation, external reviews and opinions on your creations.
– A description of the technical and financial arrangements for the preparation and production of the work and its distribution. Specify the partners and support you intend to mobilize and the nature of the contributions expected from them.
– Your availability during the three months preceding the embarkation period and the six months following the expedition.