An artist’s view: Hervé Claustre as seen by Rémi Leroy

Hervé CLAUSTRE: his gaze plunged into the immensity of the oceans

Hervé has a talent for telling stories, his own story, his passion for oceanography, which has never left him since he started.
Transmission is essential to him: from students to young people, it’s thanks to exemplary scientific mediation programs that he and his team sow seeds for the future.

But this transmission cannot exist without a perpetual renewal of knowledge.
To achieve this, Hervé’s curiosity is his driving force, and the autonomous observation systems he has helped to develop, in particular the BGC-ARGO floats, his mediators.
Thanks to the sensors they carry, these platforms collect biogeochemical data from the world’s waters.
Hervé and his team can then analyze and interpret these data from their laboratory, to better observe and understand the global functioning of the oceans.
His objectives during the expedition are at the crossroads of his essential and inseparable skills: float launching, on-board summer school and scientific mediation program.
It’s a multi-faceted mission working to build an eminently collaborative science.

Rémi Leroy