Posts of the day

In this post from June 7, 2024, Joana, Manon, Hortense and Gaël, 4th graders at the Lycée français de Barcelone, look back on their day at Barcelona’s Port Vell on April 8, 2024, during which they took part in several educational and awareness-raising workshops offered by Explorations de Monaco to mark the second meeting of the Decade of the Ocean.
In this post, Aude Jacomme, a teacher at the Lycée Français de Barcelone in charge of classes with maritime challenges, talks about the fruitful collaboration set up with Explorations de Monaco for the Decade of the Ocean week in Barcelona. Here’s a look back at how the week was organized and unfolded, with a wealth of new discoveries to be made and new projects to be developed.
April 9, 2024. On the eve of the announcement of the Mediterranean Missions in Barcelona, as part of the second meeting of the Decade of the Ocean, Xavier Prache sets the scene, looks ahead to the next missions and measures the progress already made since his arrival on September 1, 2023 at the head of Explorations de Monaco.
Dass Bissessur expresses in this post the feelings of the Mauritian scientific team at the end of the Monaco Indian Ocean Explorations mission; an exceptional opportunity to build capacity in the various disciplines of oceanography and to further explore the little known area of Saya de Malha.
Coordinator of the scientific operations on the Saya de Malha Bank, Francis Marsac, IRD representative in the Seychelles, fisherman and oceanographer, gives an initial assessment of the operations carried out in the field. Three intense weeks and a lot of satisfaction on the spot, including on a human level, with good extensions and results in prospect.
Young Seychellois entrepreneur Mariette Dine explains how Monaco’s Explorations mission in the Indian Ocean is helping her to develop her professional activities. She is developing a project on the use of algae to manufacture bio-plastics.
Frédéric Ménard, a researcher at the IRD and a specialist in marine ecosystems, makes an initial assessment of the operations carried out at Saya de Malha. The particular situation of this bank as large as Switzerland, as well as its specific characteristics, make it an exciting study site for scientists. Saya de Malha raises interest and questions.
Florence Galletti is a member of the IRD, specialising in the Law of the Sea. She reviews current developments in this field. More than ever, the Law of the Sea is essential for organising the economic development of States and resolving inter-State conflicts over the oceans and seas. But it is also caught up with the need for instruments to preserve biological diversity that is in a good enough state to remain exploitable.
Dominique Benzaken, member of the Indian Ocean Expedition Advisory Committee, reports on the blue economy related to the Saya de Malha joint management area. Few countries have so far developed a national blue economy strategy, the Seychelles and Mauritius being among them. This type of strategy combines economic, social and environmental objectives, in line with the principles of sustainable development, and encompasses all maritime sectors.
Seeing the invisible island, or how the Saya de Malha bank plays hide and seek with the S.A. Agulhas II and the crew of the Indian Ocean expedition. The impressions and feelings of Didier Théron, Head of Outreach for Monaco Explorations, on these days devoted to the exploration of an unknown and mysterious environment by the teams of scientists on board.

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