Posts of the day

François Simard, Secretary of the Indian Ocean Expedition Advisory Committee, reports on the governance issues of Saya de Malha. This immense bank, located more than 300 km from the first submerged land and as large as Switzerland, is subject to a unique governance, the result of the complexity of the Law of the Sea.
The reporter, author, director and columnist Stéphane Dugast joined the Indian Ocean expedition in the Seychelles with the photographer Nicolas Mathys, more precisely in Aldabra where he accompanied the H.S.H Prince Albert II of Monaco’s delegation. Impressions of an adventurer, this former “civvy”, ex-reporter for Cols Bleus, the newspaper of the French Navy.
Dr Brendan Quinn, the on board doctor, tells us about his journey. He talks about his job and what this exploration mission brings him. This young doctor’s view of an often demanding job is already full of maturity and perspective.
Gwennaïs Fustemberg, Marine biologist in charge of the Madcaps project on micro-plastics, describes her daily world on board. A story inhabited by a red giant and a manta net…
Flora Ginocchio, Administrative Manager of Monaco Explorations, joined the expedition during the stopovers in Mauritius and Reunion. In this post, she talks about these two stopovers and the long months of preparation that preceded the ship’s departure.
Olivier Laroussinie, a member of the Indian Ocean expedition advisory committee, was on board for the initial journey from Cape Town to Mauritius… He shares his first impressions and assesses the challenges of the mission.
Céline Dimier, a biology engineer from Villefranche-sur-Mer, gives us her first impressions on leaving Cape Town. A new expedition… and a new oceanographic adventure for this veteran of long-distance scientific missions and expeditions.
Gilles Bessero, Head of the Monaco Explorations mission in the Indian Ocean, gives us his thoughts at the end of this first phase, during the stopover in the Seychelles, between the disembarkation and embarkation of the first teams and the new arrivals.
In this post, Robert Calcagno discusses the protection of Saya de Malha, the “invisible island” and the objectives of the Indian Ocean mission.

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