2 July 2024

Post of May 21, 2024

In this post, Aude Jacomme, a teacher at the Lycée Français de Barcelone in charge of classes with maritime challenges, talks about the fruitful collaboration set up with Explorations de Monaco on the occasion of the 2nd meeting of the Decade of the Ocean in Barcelona. Here’s a look back at the organization and unfolding of a week rich in discoveries, initiating new projects and promising extensions.

A meeting that bears fruit...

The beginnings…

January 12, 2024, among the many emails received each day, one in particular catches my attention: “Ocean Decade Conference and classes with maritime challenges at the Lycée Français de Barcelone”… Mail origin : Monaco Explorations ? The 2nd Ocean Decade Conference…

The aim of these classes with maritime challenges is to make students aware of the various issues surrounding the conservation and sustainable management of the ocean, and to open up new horizons in terms of professional fields, culture, knowledge and interpersonal skills. Each time, the speakers who come to meet our students explain their career paths to raise awareness of training, studies and professions, some of which are extremely motivating. We collaborate with universities and research laboratories in physics, chemistry and marine biology. We are also in contact with the Port of Barcelona for all matters concerning port activities, and companies working in the maritime economy and the so-called “blue economy”.

So it was here, on January 12, 2024, at the opening of this mailbox, that the adventure began… And what an adventure it was! Very quickly, a videoconference and weekly exchanges enabled us to share many ideas and determine how the Société des Explorations de Monaco could enrich our students’ careers. A network of exchanges is being set up, and we enthusiastically share the contacts of our local partners.

Sailor's knot workshop aboard Tuiga with delegates from classes with maritime challenges at the Lycée Français de Barcelone. April 9, 2024. Port Vell. Barcelona©JC Vinaj.Explorations de Monaco

Debate at the Lycée Français de Barcelone. April 10, 2024. Xavier Prache, Director of Explorations de Monaco. On his right, Mr Jean Bastianelli, Principal and on his left, Mrs Anne-Sophie Vallier, Deputy Principal ©JCVinaj.Explorations de Monaco

Mediation, one of the three pillars of the Explorations de Monaco's work during the Mediterranean Missions, along with regional cooperation and science©JCVinaj.Explorations de Monaco

Teachers from the Lycée Français de Barcelone at sea school aboard , the Principality of Monaco's ambassador ship. April 12, 2024©JCVinaj.Explorations de Monaco

Classes with maritime challenges delegates welcome to Port Vell aboard . April 9, 2024. Students with the crew and the Monaco Explorations animation team©JCVinaj. Explorations of Monaco

Educational workshop on the "Time for Action" exhibition with students from the Lycée Français de Barcelone. April 9, 2024. Several 4th, 5th and 3rd grade classes from the Lycée Français will have been hosted during the week of April 8-12, 2024 along with other Barcelona schools ©A.Jacomme. Explorations of Monaco

Didier Théron, Mediation Manager for Explorations de Monaco, welcomes a class from the Lycée Français at Barcelona's Reial Club Nautico. On the program: a marine workshop aboard Tuiga and a visit to the Marine Protected Areas exhibition. April 7, 2024©A.Jacomme. Explorations of Monaco

Exchange between the entire Explorations de Monaco team and students, teachers and parents at the Lycée Français de Barcelone. April 12, 2024©JCVinaj.Explorations de Monaco

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Projects take shape…

March 2024, no more screens and written exchanges, it’s time to get to know each other. Xavier Prache is in Barcelona for a few precious hours, during which we list the program offered to our students. A visit to , exhibitions on Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas, exchanges between LFB families and members of the Société des Explorations de Monaco, an outing at sea for teachers, a meeting between our maritime challenges ambassadors and His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco… Just thinking about all these wonderful experiences offered to our students and their teachers made me “le corazon contento” as the Spanish say. So many opportunities!

The long-awaited week is about to begin…

April 2024, after a week of intense daily exchanges, we’re finally there – everything’s ready! We met up with the rest of the team; we’d exchanged so much beforehand that we felt we already knew each other. What a team! A warm and attentive welcome, as all our maritime stakes classes were able to discover the interactive exhibition on Marine Protected Areas, accompanied by a member of the team who was able to teach them about this concept. They also met the crew, from deckhand to captain! Chair knot, fisherman’s knot – they now know all there is to know, and they do it with their eyes closed and their hands behind their backs. They discovered a rather unique boat in terms of its history and the living conditions of sailors during regattas. One of our sailing enthusiasts also met the crew of the sister ship Mariska. Our students were immersed in maritime issues at the highest level, and understood that the Ocean was the concern of the years to come: better knowledge for better protection!

They still talk about it today with stars in their eyes every time they walk through the door of our classrooms. They feel concerned, involved and responsible. That’s what this kind of project is all about.

So it’s safe to say: mission accomplished!

The adventure continues

June 2024; the next stage in our collaboration, but the adventure doesn’t end here! That’s what makes this great joint project so special and so magical. The Marine Protected Areas exhibition remained in Barcelona at the Lycée Français. Our pupils are getting ready to present it to children in primary classes, but also to other schools in the area. In French, English, Catalan and Spanish, whatever the language, they’ll get the message across.

Thanks again to the Monaco explorations team for this wonderful experience, which will remain engraved in the memory of the Lycée Français de Barcelone.

Aude Jacomme. Lycée Français de Barcelone.12 avril 2024©S. Peroumal. Explorations de Monaco


Teacher at the Lycée Français de Barcelone. In charge of classes with maritime challenges.

Mediterranean missions partners

Governance of Monaco Explorations

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