June 29, 2021

Explorers and Citizens of the Seas: here we go again!

Online call for projects for the 2021-2022 school year

Launched in 2017 for middle and high school classes, the “Explorers and Citizens of the Seas” program is supported by the French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development. Academic Delegation for Artistic and Cultural Education (DAAC) of the Académie de Nice.
It is designed and implemented in partnership with the
Monaco Oceanographic Museum and the Explorations of Monaco.

Call for projects for the 2021-2022 school year is now online.
It can be viewed and downloaded from the respective websites of the three partners.

A scientific, cultural and civic approach

This cross-border academic program offers a scientific, cultural and civic approach to exploration campaigns coordinated, organized or supported by the Principality of Monaco.
The educational projects developed by teachers and their students are in line with the joint objectives of the partners:

  • Cultural and scientific openness (scientific methodology and approach, history of science, scientific writing, narrative, exploration log, measurements, instrumentation, data processing, professions, meetings with professionals, etc.),
  • Ocean exploration, eco-citizenship, sustainability science approach, international dimension of research,
  • Understand the environmental, political and educational stakes of a scientific exploration campaign over one or two school years, and compare it with historical and current campaigns.


In addition to resources and content related to Explorations de Monaco missions and made available to teachers, the Explorateur and Citizen ofthe Seas is marked throughout the year by special events.
These include educational workshops at the Oceanographic Museum and the chance to meet one of the scientists or people involved in the missions.

Monaco Oceanographic Museum seen from the sea © Sylvain Péroumal.

300 students to visit the Oceanographic Museum as part of the Explorers and Citizens of the Seas program in 2020-2021.©Michel Dagnino.
Oceanographic Institute.

Workshop The sounds... of marine mammals © Michel Dagnino.
Oceanographic Institute.

Workshop The sounds... of marine mammals © Michel Dagnino.
Oceanographic Institute.

300 students at the Museum for educational workshops

The study of marine mammal sounds through the Sphyrna missionmission, marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean and diving as an exploration technique through the Gombessa 5 missionor saving sea turtles and coral reefs were among the subjects and themes studied during the 2020-2021 school year.
As part of the program, 300 students took part in workshops offered by the Monaco Oceanographic Museum’s Activities Department: The… sounds of Mediterranean marine mammals, SOS Turtles, Protected species of the Mediterranean and Corals: builders of biodiversity.

On March 18, 2021, Professor Hervé Glotin (CNRD LIS DYNI, Université de Toulon), scientific director of the SphyrnaOdyssey missionmet two classes of 5th and3rd graders from Nice’s Jean Rostand secondary school, and presented the mission’s initial scientific results. This first experience proved highly enriching, and will be followed by others in 2021-2022.
It demonstrates the value and importance of exchange and dialogue, an opportunity for students to project themselves and discover the often little-known world of research, and for scientists to pass on their knowledge and passion.

Sphyrna 55 autonomous drone used to record marine mammal sounds during the Sphyrna 2019-2020 mission © Sea Proven/Sphyrna.

Speech by Professor Hervé Glotin at the Jean Rostand secondary school in Nice. March 18, 2021.

Quality projects to be completed in 2020-2021

The 2020-2021 school year, a special one due to the health conditions associated with COVID-19, nevertheless enabled 6 of the 11 schools in the Académie de Nice that signed up at the start of the year to successfully complete their educational and pedagogical projects.
The students’ work demonstrates the quality and relevance of the pedagogical processes implemented by the teachers of the participating middle schools: collège Jean Rostand de Nice, collège César de Roquefort-les-Pins, collège Léotard de Fréjus, collège Henri Matisse de St-Maximin la Sainte-Beaume, collège du Moulin Blanc de Saint-Tropez, Institution Sainte-Marie de La Seyne-sur-Mer.

Explorers and Citizens of the Seas partners