29 January
Gombessa 5: first scientific results in open access
Data available on the Medtrix platform
At the beginning of July 2019, Laurent Ballesta and his team started the great adventure of Gombessa 5: Deep Med. 31 saturation dives between 60 and 144 meters deep. 28 days to explore 10 underwater sites between Marseille and Monaco. During this expedition, several types of data were collected for the benefit of about ten scientific teams and their research projects.
These data and the first scientific results are now freely accessible on the Medtrix platform for monitoring the coastal waters and ecosystems of the Mediterranean: Medtrix.

To access the database, nothing could be simpler
With just a few clicks you can create a free account and the contents are immediately available. The results of Gombessa 5 expedition are accessible from the “Scientific Expeditions” tab.
There are many different types of data. They are referenced by type of operations carried out and research subjects:
- Benthic chambers (carbon content)
- CTD probe (temperature, salinity)
- Benthic macrofauna
- Environmental DNA
- Reference DNA
- Laminaria
- Gorgonians
- Black Coral
- 3D and sound
- 3D Photogrammetry
- Sediment chemistry
- Nitrogenous elements in sediments
Clicking on the map and on the sites explored, the elements appear in the form of a sheet indicating the protocols carried out, the first analyses, background maps and illustrations.
For example, the first results of environmental DNA analyses appear with taxon identifications.
These steps are the first of the tedious work carried out by the scientists who are gradually clarifying the mysteries of the seabed.