23 to 31 October 2019
Lumexplore Festival
On 12 and 13 September this year, the teams of Monaco Explorations hosted a booth at the Lumexplore Festival and presented their films in 360° vision about the missions carried out in the world. These animations met a great success with the many visitors of the festival and school children. Lumexplore, the Scientific and Environmental Exploration Film Festival, has been organised each year since 2016 for the French Society of Explorers in La Ciotat, in Bouches du Rhône.

Students of Monaco brought into the limelight
The prize in the ‘Lumexplore Junior 2019’ competition was awarded this year to the high school students (scientific series) of the François d’Assise-Nicolas Barré private school at the Eden Theatre of La Ciotat, in the presence of Claudie Haigneré, Nicolas Hulot and Jean-Louis Etienne and members of the jury. The class of the FANB highschool in Monaco won the prize in the ‘Highschool’ category with a small 8 min film entitled “L’herbier de Posidonia Oceanica” (The Posidonia Oceanica meadow).