Septembre 07, 2020
Participation of Monaco Explorations in the DiDEM project along with IRD
The DiDEM project (Dialogue between science and Decision makers for an integrated management of Marine and coastal Environments), led by the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD), aims to facilitate and enhance dialogue between scientists and decision-makers, in particular to develop solutions for the sustainable management of natural environments in developing countries.
Indeed, the scientific community in general is increasingly warning of massive degradation of natural environments. Largely accelerated by man-made pollution, this degradation could be limited by a better understanding and management of the impact of our activities. To find lasting solutions, political, civil and scientific commitment seems indispensable.
The DiDEM project covers one of the areas identified as particularly affected by these issues, the western Indian Ocean, which includes Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles and Tanzania. This region is a mecca in terms of tropical marine biodiversity, a natural wealth that is subject to strong anthropogenic pressures (mass tourism, excessive fishing, etc.) threatening both the marine fauna and flora and the inhabitants of these countries living off their resources.
As part of the preparations for the Indian Ocean mission scheduled for spring 2021 between Seychelles and Mauritius, Monaco Explorations is supporting and joining forces with IRD by financing part of the DiDEM project over 3 years (2020-2023).
On the plan, a multidisciplinary approach based on the networks of academic, institutional and local partnerships developed by the IRD and enabling :
– Deploy innovative methodologies and tools for decision support to politicians and managers in the region,
– Train local experts who can advise local decision-makers,
– Involve civil society through the education of young people and the deployment of multi-actor partnership dynamics.