12 October 2022
S.A. Agulhas II: first stop in Mauritius.
Two days in Port Louis, Mauritius
After a week’s crossing, the S.A. Agulhas II arrived in Mauritius on 10 October 2022 at 12:00 for a first port of call, before leaving for Reunion Island on 12 October at 2:30pm.
The first contingent that embarked in Cape Town, made up of the crew, technicians and scientists, was joined in Port-Louis by a dozen students and a film crew, charged with making a documentary on the Monaco Explorations expeidition.
Monaco Explorations team took advantage of this stopover to welcome Mauritian personalities and journalists on board. Gilles Bessero, director of Monaco Explorations and head of the mission, presented the mission and its challenges.
Arrival of the new boarders
Tuesday 11th October was punctuated by numerous arrivals including those of students from Mauritius and the Seychelles. Monaco Explorations also welcomed the film crew responsible for making the documentary on the Indian Ocean expedition.

Gilles Bessero, Director of Monaco Explorations, interviewed by Mauritian journalists during the stopover of the S.A. Agulhas II in Port-Louis, the official departure point of Monaco Explorations Indian Ocean Expedition. 11_10_2022©Didier Théron_MonacoExplorations
Dr. Rezah Badal, Director General of the Department for Continental Shelf, explained the involvement of Mauritius in the expedition and its importance to the sustainable management of the Saya de Malha area. 11_10_2022©Didier Théron_MonacoExplorations
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A large audience for the presentation of the Monaco Explorations mission in Mauritius ©Didier Théron_MonacoExplorations
Meetings and exchanges on 11 October
Several representatives of Mauritian official bodies, partners of the expedition, were welcomed on board for a visit of the ship on 11 October. Among them: Mr. Richard-Combes, Consul of Monaco in Mauritius, Dr. Rezah Badal, Director General of the Department for Continental Shelf, Maritime Zones Administration and Exploration, Mr. Maubarakahmad BOODHUN from the Ministry of Blue Economy and Mrs. Prerna ROY from the Mauritius Oceanographic Institute.