May 7, 2024
The April 9, 2024 Workshop is online
Two fruitful round tables on Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas
This Workshop on Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas was held at Barcelona’s World Trade Center on April 9, 2024, on the occasion of the 2nd meeting of the Decade of the Ocean in Barcelona.
It took place as part of the satellite event organized by Monaco Explorations and its partners: MedPAN, The MedFund and SPA/RAC.
It was also part of the Decade of the Ocean Forum on Marine Protected Areas, which brought together 27 institutions and took place on April 8 and 9, 2024, also at Barcelona’s World Trade Center.
The Workshop was organized into two round tables.
The debates were concluded by an address from H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco.

1st round table: MedPan, SPA/RAC, MedCities... MPAs are everybody's business!
The aim of this first round table was to take stock of marine conservation and MPAs in the Mediterranean region, and to identify the main obstacles and problems in terms of effective management of MPAs and Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMIs).
Solutions and available tools were also presented through case studies.
The new MPA roadmap for 2030 was commented on, with a renewed call for commitment, concluding with the announcement of the new partnership between MedPAN and MedCities.
Participants in the first round table: Because marine protected areas are everyone's business: Pooling skills and resources for a healthy Mediterranean Sea! JC VInaj.
Monaco Explorations
The round table was moderated by Ms Yaprak ARDA, in charge of the IUCN Mediterranean marine program. Participants: - Ms Asma KHERIJI, UNEP/MAP - SPA/RAC, Programme Officer, Specially Protected Areas - Ms Carole MARTINEZ, Development Strategy Expert, MedPAN, - Ms Purificacio CANALS, President, MedPAN, - Ms Fanny DOUVERE, Director, Unesco World Marine Programme - Mr. Josep CANALS, Secretary General, MedCities - Mr. Josep CANALS, Secretary General, MedCities - Mr. Yaprak ARDA, Programme Officer, IUCN Mediterranean. Mr. Josep CANALS, Secretary General, MedCities - Mr. Jorge Alonso RODRIG, President, MedPAN Mr. Jorge Alonso RODRIGUEZ, representative of ASPIM.
Participants in the second round table: The MedFund: an innovative financial mechanism supporting the Global Biodiversity Framework - lessons from the Mediterranean region to the global level. ©JC Vinaj.
Monaco Explorations
H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco concluded the Workshop © JV Vinaj.
Explorations de Monaco
Moderator: Ms Alessandra SENSI - UPM - Environment, Green and Blue Economy -Head of Sector. Participants : - H.E. Mrs Anne-Marie BOIBOUVIER, Permanent Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco to Unesco - Mrs Asma KHERIJI, UNEP/MAP - SPA/RAC, Specially Protected Areas Program Officer, - Mrs Purificacio CANALS, President, MedPAN, - Mr. Olivier WENDEN, Vice President and Director General of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, - Mr Andrew HUME, Ph.D., Coordinator of the International Waters focal area of the Global Environment Facility, - Mr. Romain RENOUX, Executive Director, MedPAN.
Round table 2: The MedFund. Assessment and new strategies
At this second round table, the Mediterranean countries and organizations behind the MedFund – an environmental trust fund dedicated to Mediterranean MPAs – shared their views and success stories to inspire similar initiatives in other regional seas and oceans.
An opportunity to learn from Mediterranean experiences and look ahead to new financing strategies.