January 20
Visit of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco to UNESCO exhibition
On January 20, 2021, H.S.H. Prince Albert II, accompanied by some twenty guests including H.E. Mr. Dartout, Minister of State of the Principality of Monaco, H.E. Mrs. Lambin Berti, Permanent Delegate of Monaco to UNESCO, Mr. Zuellig, Honorary Consul General of the Philippines in Monaco and his wife visited the exhibition “Protecting UNESCO’s World Marine Heritage through Scientific Research” on the gates of the Jardins Saint-Martin in Monaco in the presence of Mr. Calcagno, Director General of the Oceanographic Institute and Managing Director of Monaco Explorations.

Visit of H.S.H. the Prince Albert II of Monaco with - photo 1 : M. Olivier Borde, photographer of the mission Malpelo. - Photo 2 : M. and Mme Zuellig. - Photo 3 : M. Brousse and M. Calcagno. - Photo 4 : H.E. M. Dartout and H.E. Mme Lambin Berti. - Photo 5 : M. Calcagno - Photo 6 : M. Zoccola and H.E. Mme Lambin Berti - Photo 7 : Mme. Boussion, Mme Lambin Berti and M. Calcagno ©Mr. Dagnino. Oceanographic Museum of Monaco
This exhibition aims to illustrate the missions that Monaco Explorations carried out on several UNESCO World Heritage marine sites, including the mission to Malpelo in 2018 in which H.S.H. Prince Albert II participated.
An initiative within the framework of the United Nations Decade for Ocean Sciences.