Dr M. Purificaciò Canals

President, MedPAN
Puri Canals holds a B.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from the University of Barcelona (1986 and 1996). She works as an independent international consultant in the field of marine and coastal conservation. She is president of MedPAN (Mediterranean Network of MPA Managers) and promotes MPA networks across the Atlantic and Southeast Asia as coordinator of EU transatlantic projects on MPAs and ocean governance. Member of the Advisory Boards of the Fundación Biodiversidad (Spain), the Sustainable Development Council of Catalonia and the Scientific Council of the Conservatoire du Littoral (France), as well as the IUCN Commissions on Education and Communication and on Protected Areas. IUCN Regional Councillor for Western Europe (2000-2008); Vice-Chairman (2004-2008) and Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the IVth CMC Barcelona 2008; Chairman of DEPANA, Catalonia (1994-2010).