Student projects 2020-2021

A variety of high-quality projects for the Ocean Explorer and Citizen program

Designed for middle and high school classes, Le Dispositif Explorateur et citoyen des mers is supported by the Délégation Académique à l’éducation Artistique et Culturelle (DAAC ) de l’Académie de Nice, and developed and implemented in partnership with the Monaco Oceanographic Museum and Monaco Explorations.

The 2020-2021 school year saw 5 projects completed within this framework and despite the difficult conditions linked to the health situation.
Congratulations to all the teachers and students for the quality of their work and their commitment throughout the year!
You can see some of their work below in the form of image galleries.

See you next fall, and in the meantime, don’t forget to respond to our call for projects!

Collège Jean Rostand - Nice

Madame Brau’s 5th grade class at the Collège Rostand in Nice built their project around Herman Melville’s novel Moby Dick and the Sphyrna Odyssey mission (September 2019- March 2020), in the form of writing workshops.
A meeting at the school between the students and Professor Hervé Glotin, the mission’s Scientific Director, enabled them to confront their imaginations with the reality of scientific information.

The comic strip dedicated to Albert I of Monaco

Workshop visit on June 4, 2021 at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco.
Immersion Room.

Workshop visit on June 4 at the Monaco Oceanographic Museum.
Explorers' Hall.

Logo protect sperm whales.
Visit the Oceanographic Museum on June 4, 2021.

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Collège du Moulin blanc - St-Tropez

Two fourth-grade classes taught by Ms Taggiasco at the Moulin Blanc school in St Tropez have been working on marine biodiversity and endangered species in the Mediterranean, with a particular focus on turtles.

All the work of the two classes on display at the school.

Overview of work at the college.

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Collège André Léotard - Fréjus

two 6th grade classes taught by Madame d’Almeida, from Collège Léotard in Fréjus, worked on the diversity of marine ecosystems, and in particular on the diversity of the Natal wreck, explored during the Gombessa V mission.

They also learned about scuba diving and the physical rules and laws of pressure.

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Collège César - Roquefort-les-pins

Mme Mino and Mme Bouvet’s 5th grade class fromCésar high school focused on the impact of plastic pollution, the role of the oceans in human nutrition and in the composition of the atmosphere…

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Institution Sainte-Marie - La Seyne-sur-Mer

Mme Bouquin and Mme Debrouker’s first-year students from the Sainte Marie Institution in La Seyne sur mer have tackled a number of issues: communication in sperm whales ( Sphyrna mission), the impact of global warming on coral ecosystems ( Palau mission).

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